
Thursday 12 September 2013

September Challenge plus July and August winners

Well hello everyone, I am finally back.  Thanks to everyone for their kind comments but sadly my beloved Irish setter,William, went to sleep on the 4th September and is now free of pain.  I won't maudle on here about it but will post on my own blog about him when I feel a little less raw.
So onto the winners for July and August - If the winners will email me HERE with 'challenge winner' in the subject line I will email voucher codes through to you :)
If the top threes would like a Top 3 badge for their blogs, email to the same link above with 'top three badge' in the subject line and I will send a badge through!
So Julys winner is;
and top three are;
2 - Jane 
58 - Rachelle
Augusts winner is;
78 - Kanda
and top three are;
35 - Vicky p-r
92 - Cec
Ok, so now onto the September challenge seeing as we still have a couple of weeks left  ;)
So this month we'll do  Anything Goes!!! 
 So any crafty project you would like to enter, we want to see it.  The winner will get a £10 voucher for the online store .
As usual I have a couple of inspirational ideas from the DT girls ( I know I have a few interested in the DT call but with everything that has gone on I haven't had the chance to go through them yet.  However I plan to look at them this week so hopefully we should have some new members very soon) 

So please do join in if you can, I love looking at all your fab entries!  Just add your entry through the linky tool at the bottom.
Finally, I have a Gelli Plate from Gelli Arts to give away but am trying to think of a great way to do a competition for it - any ideas anyone?  If so please leave a comment or you could email me HERE
Thanks once again to everyone for their kind comments and for bearing with me during what has been a very difficult time.