
Monday 1 December 2014

December challenge and October winner.

Hi everyone and happy December!!  Only 24 sleeps until Christmas - and I am so NOT ready!!
I am crossing my fingers that the new year will be a better one for me healthwise and I am thinking about whether to make any resolutions for the new year - has anyone already decided on what their resolution will be?  I really just want to feel better!
However, I am looking forward to Christmas, especially having the day with my family, just sitting around, chatting and having a good meal together :)
Anyway, back to our challenges, and first of to the winner and top three for October.
So the winner of the October challenge is;
111 - Deonna B
and the top 3 for October are;
130 - Jana K
So ladies if you email me HERE with winner or top 3 in the subject bar I will get blog badges sent out to you.  (Deonna, let me have your address and I'll pop you a little something in the post :) )
So this month the challenge is;
It's cold outside - Winter and/or Christmas :)
It is chilly here today so I want to see your frosty winter makes, cards, scrapbook layouts, home décor projects - anything you have crafted to celebrate the wintry season.
As usual the design team have done some super cute projects for inspiration.
So please join in this month with our challenge - I love looking through everyone's fab makes.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas, and I'll 'see' you all in the new year :)

Saturday 1 November 2014

November Challenge, September winner

Hi all, and welcome to our November blog challenge (although I am running slightly late due to hubby coming out of hospital yesterday :) )
The sun is still shining here and it is rather mild for the time of year, but I am manically making Christmas cards for a craft sale in a couple of weeks!
I bet you've all got Christmas all wrapped up (pardon the pun) and are already onto Valentine's Day and Easter - I am sooo behind!!
Anyway before the challenge this month I had better list the winner and Top 3 for September.
Well there were so many entries I had to pick 5 top 3 people and that was really hard as everyone's cards were fabulous as always.
Anyway, the winner is
Claire, if you email me HERE with challenge winner in the subject box I'll send you your winner badge for your blog and if you send me your address I'll pop a little something in the post for you too :)
(I have been having some problems with emails not reaching my inbox, so I have used a different address to usual and if you haven't heard form me within a week please drop me a comment on the blog so I can go searching for the email - Thank you)
Onto our 5 top 3 (I know it sounds ridiculous LOL!)
If you would email me HERE I will send you a top 3 badge for your blogs (same as above ladies, if you don't hear from me just drop me a comment on the blog and I'll go a searching :) )
So onto the challenge for November!!!
The theme this month is;
Bright Colours
So lots of lovely reds, oranges, greens etc - all the colours that let us know that Autumn is truly upon us (unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere of course, in which case please forgive me :) ) and nice bright colours that will cheer us up as the colder weather descends upon us!
As usual my wonderful DT have sent me through some inspiration for you all;



I do hope you'll join us this month with our bright colours challenge - I love seeing all of your amazing projects - even if it does make it impossible to choose the top3 LOL!!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

October Challenge - August Winner :)

Hello everyone :)
Well October is here but although it is officially Autumn, it has been really rather warm here
and although that is lovely I am never sure whether to dress for the warmth of the sunshine or the nip in the air LOL!!
I am trying to really get going on all of my Christmas makes but if I am honest it is hard going
at the moment - just can't get motivated even though I have sooo much to do!
But never mind that, we must get on with the winner and top 3 for the August challenge :)
So the winner for August is;
23 - Steph
Top 3 are;
39 - Jana K
43 - Fiona
If you email me HERE I will sort out badges etc (If you could mark in the subject line
blog winner/top3 I would be grateful so I can pick them out of the mountain of emails that normally awaits me )
Onto the October challenge then.
This month the theme is;
Autumn and/or Halloween
I know that some people love Halloween so I wanted to give the opportunity for them to make something spooky, but for those who don't do Halloween there is the opportunity to still join in :)
Inspiration from the DT is fab as always :)


as usual, please do pop on over and say hi to the lovely ladies as they put in their time for free
and I want them to feel appreciated :)
We would love it if you joined in with our challenges (which lots of you are if this last month is anything to go by where we have had over 200 entries  WOW!!!!).  It's a lot of fun looking at all of the fabulous cards and crafty makes - I can't wait to see what you come up with this month :)

Monday 1 September 2014

September challenge, July winner.

Hello everyone, well we're back at the start of another month and here in the UK there a distinct nip of Autumn in the air.  I'm not complaining though as I love the Autumn season especially the fabulous Autumn colours :)
Anyway as usual we'll do the challenge winner a top 3 first, this time for the July challenge.
the winner is;
15 - Julie O
and the top three are;
13 - Barbara R
99 - Claire C
If you email me HERE , I will send back your badges for your blogs and sort out a little something for the winner too :)  If you could pop 'challenge winner' or 'challenge top 3' in the subject bar that would be fab as I am less likely to lose them in the vast amount of emails on the list lol.
Now, my poor DT have to put up with my scatty ways and I managed to mix up challenge months by adding an extra August to the year, so my poor team had to try to decide which theme to pick out!
So, what I thought I would do is make the challenge this month;
Anything Goes!!
So any crafty project you like, with any theme you fancy - easy :)
fab cards as always though from the DT for inspiration, especially for those who might be new to crafting and /or blogging - if you are new to us please give us a shout in the comments below.  If you're an old hand at it all we'd love to her from you too - let us know how long you've been crafting, whether it be a day, a month, a week, a year...  well you get the picture.

So, we'd love to see all your fabulous creations as always :)
Don't forget to tell us how long you've been crafting - it would be lovely to get to know you all !!

Friday 1 August 2014

August Challenge (June winner and top 3 :))

Well hello everyone and a Happy August to you all :)
I hope you're all having a nice Summer (well in the Northern Hemisphere anyway!) - here in the UK we've had some great weather (although dare I say it, it has been a little too warm at times but I'm not complaining too much :)), although my old dog doesn't like it at all.
I hope you've all been doing lots of crafting, I've been doing lots of sewing and crochet but now I've got lots of cards to make to catch up !!
Before I move on to challenge stuff I thought I'd share a photo of our 'puppy' who is now 11 months old (after so many have shown such an interest in him :))

Bertie has grown like a weed and is acting like a typical belligerent teenager, but we love him :)
Anyway, back to the crafty things and onto the June winner and top three.
The winner of the June challenge is;
The top 3 are;
49 - Gail L
69 - Lis M
So, if you would like to email me HERE I will sort out blog badges for you etc :)  (If you put blog challenge in the subject box I will get to them quicker :)))
Now onto the August challenge  (August!!  Where has the year gone??)
This month the challenge is;  
Favourite Colours
So you can enter any crafty project you have made using your favourite colours.  It doesn't have to be a card, it could be a scrapbook layout, some altered art or a mixed media piece - you could even enter something you've made on your sewing machine (home décor, a dress...) or even a cake you've decorated.  There are so many talented people out there who aren't into papercraft and I don't want to leave them out!!
As usual the DT have some inspiration for you;


Please pop over and see the DT ladies as they are all fab :)
Do join in our challenge this month as we love to see your crafty makes - it never ceases to amaze me how many talented crafters there are out there! 
Also, if you fancy a go at inspiring others and would like to be on the Design Team please let me know - you can either email me, or put DT after your name on your challenge entry - I'm afraid I can't offer lots of product, but it is fun and great to feel you might inspire somebody else who might be stuck in a crafty rut or whose mojo has gone awandering :)
Have a great August everyone

Tuesday 1 July 2014

July challenge, May winners.

Hello all and a happy July :)
The weather here is beautiful and sunny which always makes me feel much better, and it also feels like Summer is really here!
So, it's time for another challenge but first of all here is the winner and the top 3 for May.
The winner is;
and the top 3 are;
50 - Norma
59 - Claire C
If you email me HERE , I will send you a blog badge and sort out a little something for the winner :)
Just before the challenge details I want to say goodbye to DT member Jane who is leaving us and I want to say a huge thank you to her for all of the fab projects she has made for the blog over the months.  All of the DT members do fab work in their own valuable spare time and I am always sad when someone leaves, so thanks to all of the DT members and thanks again to Jane :)
Onto the July challenge and seeing as Summer has arrived here in the UK the theme this month is;
Summer Flowers
You can make any sort of crafty project to enter, as long as you have handmade it.
Here is some fab inspiration by the DT girls - don't forget to pop and see them and say hello!




As usual we would love for you to join in the fun and enter anything you make into our challenge.
We look forward to looking through all of your fab makes :)

Sunday 1 June 2014

June challenge, April winners

Good morning all and happy June to you!!!  Half way through the year already :)
The weather is improving here although it has been a bit wet and quite muggy so we're hoping for more sunshine too, plus I'm fed up of having to wash the dog every time he steps through the back door lol  (and here's a sneaky picture to let you see how he's grown :))

Anyway, onto the winner and top 3 for the April challenge - thank you as always for all the fab entries, it really is great to look at all the amazing arty projects that you all make.
So the winner of the April challenge is;
And the top three are;
For badges for blogs please email me HERE and I'll get them to you.
So onto the June challenge and the theme for this month is...
Something for the boys and/or use your dies.
I thought this was pretty relevant as Father's Day is nearly upon us but obviously not everyone likes making stuff for the men in our lives - they are just so difficult to make for! - you can choose to use your die cuts instead :)
As usual my long suffering design team ( who all deserve a medal for putting up with the disorganised person that is me) have made some great inspirational projects ;



We would love for you all to join in this month as crafting is just so much fun. In fact craft is about the only thing that has kept me going for the last couple of months.  As some of you may know I am just getting over a nasty bout of pneumonia and being able to look through all of your fab blogs, even when I couldn't craft myself, really cheered me up and now I can craft again (although not as much as I'd like to!) I have realised that without being able to craft, whether that be making cards, knitting, crocheting, sewing or anything else, I would be really very unhappy.  So, my point is, if you've never joined in with a challenge before and have just been looking around at everyone else's fab projects, please don't be afraid to join in and show off what you've made, it really can be a huge spirit lifter.  And if you're new to crafting or just need any help with anything please don't be afraid to get in touch :)
Right I am going now but look forward to seeing your makes as always!!

Friday 2 May 2014

May challenge, March winner

Hello everyone, I know I'm really late this month, but I hope you will forgive me!  I made the fatal mistake of telling my mum, who was full of cold, 'don't worry, I never get colds anymore...'  - you can guess can't you?  I came down with not only a cold but the worst chest and throat infection that I've had for years :(  along with my other health issues I've spent most of last month in bed and have achieved very little, which makes me very crabby LOL.
Anyway, I finally feel like I'm on the mend (touch wood) so the challenge is a little late!
First of all I'd better do the March winner and top 3 so here we go;
The winner is...

67 - Faith A
The top 3 are (really difficult to choose from the oodles of entries we got :))
108 - Katie Tate
If you would like to email me HERE I will email you blog badges etc.
So, this month a new challenge which is;
Use your favourite embellishments.
If you're anything like me, your favourite can change from one minute to the next!
As usual the design team have done a fab job to inspire you so do please pop and say hello :)




You are welcome to enter any crafty project you have made that fits our theme, so please do give it a go and join in - it's great fun going round looking at all the entries and being inspired by all the amazing art work that people are producing.
You can enter up to 3 times.
Have a great month and thanks for joining in at Ladybug Crafts

Tuesday 1 April 2014

April challenge /February winner

Good morning (or afternoon, or evening :)) everyone! 
I hope you are all feeling fine and enjoying some Spring sunshine (or maybe the colours of Autumn if you're in the Southern Hemisphere).  It's a little dull here today but we have had some sun and it really does lift your spirits, especially if like me you've been  under the weather - I am hoping for a lovely warm Summer this year with not too much rain - I think everyone, in the UK at least, has had enough rain this Winter to last a lifetime :)
Anyway, first of all we must do the winner and top three for February (I know I am running a month behind as usual - I really will try to get us back up to date over Summer). Thank you to everyone who joins in with our challenges, we really love looking at all of your amazing projects!
The winner then for the February challenge is...
The top three are;
68 - Mynn
If you email me HERE I will send you a badge for your blog if you would like one .
The challenge for this month can only be...
Here Comes Spring :)
The winner will get a £10 voucher to spend at Ladybug Crafts and the winner and top three will get a badge to display on their blog!
As usual my fabulous design team have done a great job with inspirational projects (thank you so much ladies :)), so please pop on over and say hello - tell them I sent you xx



I do hope you'll join in with our challenge this month - remember it doesn't have to be a card, it can be any project that you have hand crafted. We look forward to seeing all of your entries.

Saturday 1 March 2014

March challenge - Spring is here!!

Well hello there everyone and welcome to Spring!!  I know I say it every month but where does the time go??  Over here in the UK it has been a very wet couple of months and getting around locally has been a bit of a nightmare for us due to lots of flooding but we are so lucky, and thankful,  that our house is not on a flood plain, so that we have not had the dreadful time that some people have had with their houses being deluged.  If you are someone who has been terribly affected please know our thoughts are with you and we are praying that Spring really is here and the ground starts to dry out!
Anyway, lets first of all do the January challenge winner and top three :) Thanks to those of you who entered.  So the winner is;
6 - Helen
and the top three are;
15 - Lisa D
If you would like to email me HERE I will send through the winner prize and also a top three badge if you would like to display it on your blog.  We now also have a winners badge too so you can let everyone know you have won!
On we go then to the March challenge, which this month is everyone's favourite...
Anything Goes!!
Don't forget you can enter any kind of crafting project you have made, it doesn't have to be a card - just look at the beautiful gift bag that Jane has made his month :)
As usual my fabulous DT ladies have come up with some great inspiration so don't forget to pop on over and pay them a visit (they definitely deserve some love as they fit in their DT projects around all their other commitments voluntarily and they also put up with me lol)




We would love it if you would join in this month and we can't wait to see your brilliant crafty makes!
Don't forget to tell your friends too as we are very nearly at the 300 member mark so we will be having a giveaway when we hit the magic number!
Finally just a little note to let you know that Bertie our Irish Setter pup is now 6 months old!  I promised I would show his progress as he grows.  He is a proper teenager right now and pushing the limits all the time but I adore him and he has definitely helped with my grief for William.  Here he is right now;

Thanks for looking and enjoy this months challenge